Filed + Google

Project: Filed, Campaign Builder | Category: UI / UX case study | Client: Wellspring Digital LTD | March 2019

Filed + Google

Project: Filed, Campaign Builder | Category: UI / UX case study | Client: Wellspring Digital LTD | March 2019

Filed is an AI automated marketing software platform for Facebook, Instagram and Google.
We used the UX process shown below to achieve a User Centred Design that could allow us to build a deep empathy with the individuals that we are designing for.
1. Define
Goals : The objective is to make marketer's life easier by simplifying the process of creating a campaign. To achieve this, we had to analyse Facebook Business Manager and the Google Ads admin tools in deep detail to find out what kind of insights the AI could add within the Filed platform.
2. Users Research
Personas: To get a better understanding of our audience the design team worked close to the Business Manager, the Product Owner, the Marketing team and Developers. 
Two user personas where created based on the research (observation, interviews and competitor analysis):
- Advertising Designer: not experienced in data analysis and visually driven.
- Marketers and Agencies: also quite visual, but with better understanding of goals and metrics.
Both of the share a common factor: lack of time.
3. User journey
We split the platform in its sections and we divided them across the design team, so we could parallelise the work on the user journeys for each one. I was assigned to "Ad Creation", so I first worked with a team of marketing specialists and learn and understand the process of creating a campaign in Google Ads and Facebook Business Manager, so I could re-use the common concepts and patterns while trying to take on the pain points that each one of those tools have.
4. Interaction
Wireframes: This phase involved sketching a set of wireframes in paper and then drawing them in Balsamiq. This process was iterative and involved daily 15 minutes catch-up meetings with the stakeholders, and the developers.
5. Visual
Mockups: High resolutions wireframes were requested at this stage to keep the design consistent across the entire platform. A number of iterations took place until everyone agreed with the design. To make developers lives easier, we created prototypes so they could have a better idea of the look and feel.
6. Conclusion
The biggest challenge was simplifying the process of creating a marketing campaign whilst designing a platform that caters for our two different type of users; marketers who are mostly used to the Google Ads interface and Advertisement Designers who aren't really familiar with ads platforms. Features such as search for keyword ideas and recommendations from Dexter will definitively improve the usability and overall experience of both. 

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